These are the pics of my 3 young ones which I did have lost on last Friday.
On the pics the badges came back on Monday, golden silver one came back on
next day but I lost her again and I got her back on yesterday evening,
other blue bar came back also yesterday about 8.30 pm. So finally I got all
them back.
Just some random pictures of a typical afternoon training session. A quick
fly of around hour and a half and drop. This happens at mountain view lofts
every second or third day as a drill.
I was in Baltimore past weekend. I met some great guys & hardcore tippler
fanciers. I had great time. Thanks to the boys for warm welcome & great
hospitality. I really enjoyed meeting them. Thank you.
Hi Guys,
I released a kit of 4 young ones, 3 blue Hughes and one blue Lovatt, Release
time 5:15 pm, they flew beautifully together in a tight kit. After a while
the Lovatt split from the kit and took off on its own. The other three kept
flying great I took some pictures of them in the air and they looked real
good. Anyway they rose into the pins and I lost sight of them. I could not