Danny McCarthy / 13 Feb 2011 08:05

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Hi Guys,
I released a kit of 4 young ones, 3 blue Hughes and one blue Lovatt, Release
time 5:15 pm, they flew beautifully together in a tight kit. After a while
the Lovatt split from the kit and took off on its own. The other three kept
flying great I took some pictures of them in the air and they looked real
good. Anyway they rose into the pins and I lost sight of them. I could not
even zoom them in through my camera lens, they were so high. They were real
high. They did not return , not even one of them. These birds have flown
here for a good 2 to 3 weeks now. What the hell happens to them I do not
know. All I fed them was two teaspoons of wheat. It's got me beat. I spotted
the Lovatt and was able to drop it, but no sign of my 3 little Hughes. I
will post some pictures of them in the air.
Cheers, Danny.

Submitted by Danny McCarthy on 2/13/2011 8:11:05 AM