Hi Kemo,
Here are pictures of two of my Shannon hens, they are sisters. One is Silver
the other is Dirty. Father is Mick's first imported blue Shannon cock and
his daughter a silver Shannon hen.
This is a yb down off the original yellow you sent me, and my print cock. He
is turning out to be all that i wanted in a cock bird. He flys he handles,
and hopefully he will pass on some of his fine qualitys, he is Potentialy
grand in his qualitys as is the other yb cock i have put up, as he is down
from the other hen and a great cock.
nice 2 see ya back m8 some fine n dandy looking blues there av bred a lot of greys this yr this 10 are just starting 2 kit theyve already had a few attacks but so far av survived heres a couple pics of them in the air and fortunately down and having a bit play around with them just trying 2 get a kit 4 oldbirds 4 next yr been slaughtered so far but part n parcel 4 the last few yrs
This one went on to get DQes at 17:46hrs as ybs along with a red mottle hen
for being over the hour. Just would not drop in the dark, as they were not
dark trained. Got the Indigo on the roof at 17hrs