Eggs by Mail

Jack Prescott's picture
Tippler Subject Category: 

(Internet Published) May 2000

During the 1930's the English imported a lot of eggs from Poland and Egypt.
The name of the country had to be stamped on each egg. They came packed in
flat crates between layers of straw. They sold at one penny each or 10 pence
for 12. Small eggs they were and were sold as pudding eggs. Not quite fresh
but certainly not bad and certainly good enough for our YORKSHIRE PUDDINGS
or even our egg and cheese scrambled "Firkins."

People in those days used to have to watch the pennies for they had so
pitifully few. Furthermore, the men had to make their own pleasures.

They were not propped up with government handouts nor did they have fancy
wages. Therefore, it came to pass that a lot of men had to dabble with
something that grew, swam ran, or flew. Looking back, I'd say that the
Limeys in those days, were a happier breed of men. Like men of all other
nations, so many men "really don't know what they want but will never be
satisfied until they get it."

Some men in Sheffield placed eggs of this kind under their own broody hen
fowls and some of them hatched and became remarkable little chickens, the
likes of which had not been seen before. Of course, there were tall tales
about crocodiles and snakes that hatched out from the eggs and some men and
a lot of the women believed that. The world went round on an axis of kidding
and tall tales in those days and while nobody would believe the crocodile
and snake caper, these days, the kidding and tall tales are rife, especially
from our politicians.

Pigeon eggs sent through the mail service will hatch, if packed safely and
with moderate luck. New laid eggs, I have sent and received within England.
Usually small packets reach destination the day after mailing.
By planning and arranging suitable fostering this is a good idea. To some
countries, by airmail, a packet may arrive in 4-5 days so that such eggs are
in with a chance. I have a project and I'm going to mail a few eggs to USA.
I can't wait to hear what happens.

OK! So if you hear about some poor fellow has been bitten by a snake or a
croc, in his loft, you will know what has happened. Unfortunately we have no
such snakes or crocs in Sheffield. A pity.

A Pity!! "I've just had another idea." There are a couple of guys who I
don't like.