Use of Barley

Jack Prescott's picture
Tippler Subject Category: 

(Internet Published) Aug 2001

I have said that Barley is of very low nutritional value. The old timers of
Sheffield used it for getting the excessive weight off Tipplers that had
been confirmed to the loft for many months. For example, after the last
adult Tippler fly in June the Tipplers were not flown until the following
March. June to September, the Tippler men were involved with young bird
contests only and then after the last young bird fly these young birds too
were confined to the loft. Often though, the imprisoned Tipplers were
allowed into aviaries, but of course this was never considered to be

The old timers kept Tipplers only for the purpose of flying contests so
preservation of kits was essential. Obviously after long detention the
Tipplers were stiff and over weight and in need in re-training. Barley
therefore was used as a slimmer and a means of smartening them up.

I don't think that it is a good idea to place young Tipplers on Barley.
They are still growing and need something more substantial. The old timers,
if they used Barley at all, would seldom use it without including a little
oil-bearing seed. To place young pigeons on 100% barley could retard them
physically as well as mentally.