Untrained and Lost

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Tippler Subject Category: 

(Internet Published) Mar 2001

Today on my usual walk though the Woodlands close to my loft I saw notices
nailed to several trees; "Lost - Black, White and Brown Collie cross breed
dog in this area. His name is Peter - We love him. Please phone this number.
There is a substantial reward if we can get him returned."

While I understand the anxiety of the owners of this dog but I doubt that it
had a name and address disk on it's collar. The truth of the matter is that
the owners had released this dog for exercise in the woodlands and he had
bolted out of control. A clear case of lack of control and obedience

Love is simply not enough. Untrained troops have been slaughtered like pigs.
Untaught and undisciplined kids have killed each other and robbed old women.
When I was an Airman I was subjected to iron discipline and when told to
jump, I could not even ask how high. Likewise, an untrained pigeon is a
liability and when inevitably lost it staves to death or is eaten alive by
some cat or hawk. This cruelty in it's most despicable form. Who knows that
this lost dog will be subjected to? Killed on the road? Adopted by someone
who is not fit to keep a dog - Who knows?

An untrained or poorly trained pigeon is certain to be subjected to a
painful and disgustingly slow death. Anyone who will not find out how to
train and discipline his dogs, pigeons and children had no right to have
them. To have them involves a vast responsibility.