(Internet Published) Mar 2001
I was born in an era when a lazy, incompetent or neglectful workman was
booted out of his job. These days the work-shy and useless individuals seem
to be a protected species. Stupidity, ignorance, neglect and sheer bone
idleness seems to be accepted. Our politicians seem to be enjoying the right
to serve themselves with no regard to what they were elected to do. However,
I am not going to rant and rave about that. If I do, I become very angry and
at my age it only upsets my digestion.
However, I will not tolerate a pigeon that does not respond to my
requirements under my system. My loft is not a pet's corner or charity
institution. During my working life my pigeons were my slaves, when I myself
was a slave. I had some mighty mean masters who gave no quarter. Well, at
least I knew where I stood. I am here to tell you all that while ever my
birds please me I will keep and protect them. However, if they mess me about
they will get dislocated necks. There is no way that I will sell them or
even give them away.