By: Stanley Ogozalek
Date: Unknown
Category: Feed-ups
Cake One pound of 'pinhead' oatmeal Small cup of plain flour or Soya flour
Two fresh eggs - 1/4 lb. butter (add glucose powder to cake) eggcupful of
Mawseed (Poppy) eggcupful of Anise seed heaped teaspoonful of Kola nut
powder heaped teaspoonful sugar -- one eggcupful of sweet Sherry
Blend flour with oatmeal mix in seeds and add sugar and melted butter. Beat
eggs up in a basin adding Sherry and milk. Pour it into the mixture stirring
it into a pastry mixture. Place in greased tin pan and then into hot oven
set at 'full' for 10 minutes then 1/4 oven set.
After about one hour, turn cake over in tin pan and replace into oven for a
further hour or so. When done, break into small pieces and return to oven to
harden. Then crush down to crumbs.
Use twice in a feed-up. Use one teaspoonful on Wednesday and Thursday Give
tonic on Thursday and Friday
Stir one fresh egg into one pint of milk and add glucose powder. Give to
pigeons to drink as an energy builder.
Fellow Fanciers, I found this cake recipe amongst all of my tippler
papers/information and thought that it might prove to be of interest.