(Internet Published) Aug 2001
I do not write these letters in order to become popular.
The very few Tippler fanciers in the USA and World-Wide generally who fly
with any ambitions about winning contests on the official system have my
respect. Nevertheless, the man who flies on the honour system or just for
his own pleasure, also has my respect. In any case a great percentage of
honour and integrity is involved plus an awful lot of dedication. That is
why there has been and always will be friction and doubt about some marathon
time claims.
In Britain, the cradle of contest Tippler flying, no contest takes place
between late august and about Easter time. This is know as the great lock up
period and the Autumn and Winter contests in the USA make little sense to
the Brits. The weather and daylight is bad enough at any time in Britain
between April and late August, but September to May the weather is often
intolerable. After the long lock up period, August to March, there is a
desperate need to break the dormancy of imprisoned kits and to refresh the
intense discipline for contest flying.
All manner of ideas prevail involving Barley, Epsom Salts and an array of
magical systems. Nevertheless, as Robbie Burns said " The best laid plans of
mice and men are apt to go astray".
There was never a man who knew everything. All too often a Tippler fancier
reaches the top of the tree and enjoys a brief period of stardom before a
decline into a state of mediocrity or apathy. In the words of William
Shakespeare "Summers lease hath but too short a date"