Poverty and Tipplers

Jack Prescott's picture
Tippler Subject Category: 

(Internet Published) Nov 2001

As from the mid 1800's until about 1950, the British working class people
were diabolically poor. It is a fact that men who are so poor resort to
gambling with their few miserable pence in the hopes that they will win a
few extra pence. The outlay for a couple of kits of Tipplers was within the
grasp of the poorest of British working men or even the unemployed, of which
there were many. Such was the way of life then. Nevertheless, that situation
was good for the Tippler breed for no man could keep worn out has-beens,
ornaments, or degenerated stock. His few miserable pence had to go a long

A lot of British people were in a state of malnutrition. Yet in these days
or super abundance and squander, a lot of men are keeping rubbish that the
old timers would not touch with a barge pole. I liken the fancy to a
Gardener who has to dig out the weeds and cut out the dead wood. So, take
notice sit down and have a think...

Why overcrowd your loft with useless ornaments? They only serve to eat grain
and create muck! They may very well be beautiful - So is an oil painting, a
flower a jewel, but what do they do? Surely pigeons are birds of action and
the high flyers are the aces. For what man does not admire pigeons that fly
to pin head size or less in altitude on days when the weather allows?
