Pigeon Ramblings

Jack Prescott's picture
Tippler Subject Category: 

(Internet Published) May 2000

It is written that true happiness is not having what one wants--but rather
wanting what one has. If any man too easily can get everything that he
wants, then this is not a formula for happiness. For truthfully I say unto
you that men are like fowls--much better when they have to scratch for a
living. Now, a man may bring a strain of flying tipplers from some long dead
Englishman's issue or even from a more Modern Tipplerman who holds world
records. At best, the purchase is only the raw material. To do well, a man
has to become an artist, an enthusiast. He must get inside the tiny minds
and souls of his tipplers. As my excellent friend Richard Kehrer of Redding
CA USA says, "We learn from our tipplers as much or even more, than our
tipplers learn from us." Well, he hits the nail on the head--doesn't he?

Modern man has so little time. Modern man is more of a slave than his
counterpart of the 1920's or 30's. Modern man has so very much and he has
everything except time for his own personal interests. He cannot usually
have a lot of time on his own --to be close to nature and closer to god. For
in truth, I say unto you that a man must escape from the rat race and be on
his own--away from the demands of his job and his responsibilities.

However, I do declare, that any man who loves to see his pigeons high in the
sky--free, free, free, like no man has ever been and without any thought of
glory or fame then he has been touched by his god, but we all should know
that god sure has a sense of humor, OK? ...
