nino / 21 Jan 2010 16:56

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Guys, enough already with this BOP thing. This subject is now going to new
levels of ridicules As for farmers and game keepers, there is already
compensation set aside by all governments everywhere for those that loose
stock to certain predators !! Pigeons do not fall into those category's !!!

They also are the natural prey of peregrines as well as many other typical
sized birds.

Also, in Canada as well as all over the world, like Frank says when you are
a farmer, and say your dog is killing my sheep, the law says I can kill it,
and I have !!!! What you must understand that when a farmers lively hood is
at risk, the government sets our legal boundary's pertaining to such
actions, but you must be a farmer/stockman, and what is at risk must fall
under a set of governed rules.

Hawks are for the most part protected all over the world by huge
organizations with lots of power and money behind them, and the pigeon sport
will/can do nothing to change that fact in the interest of saving some
domestic pigeons.

You guys must face reality in terms of who you are dealing with.

Submitted by "nino" on 1/21/2010 4:59:58 PM
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