Naveed / 31 Jul 2012 04:09

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Tippler Subject Category: 

This is a norwegian product developed by a norwegian racing pigeon fancier.
It has proved to be very effective, and is used widely by racing pigeon
fanciers around Europe, probably elsewhere too.
I have used this for several years, and it does keep the pigeons healthy. As
far as I can understand its not a medication, and excessive use has not had
any bad effect on my birds.

Its administered in the water, and helps purify it by killing the bacteria
etc giving the birds a nice and clean water to drink. Since I dont keep
racing pigeons I cannot tell if a group given improver performs better in
races than a group which has not been given improver. With tipplers though
it did not have much effect on their performance, but I found it to be good
during the moult, and breeding. Healthier birds, and no watery droppings in
young birds. I would say its a preventative product, like garlic and apple
cider vinegar.

Interview with the man behind the product:
Here they tell what products they use, for instance different medicines for
treating for canker, salmonella etc, which shows that this product is not a
medicine for sick pigeons, but rather a preventative one which might help
avoid the diseases in the first place.

- Naveed

Submitted by Naveed on 7/31/2012 4:43:09 AM