(Internet Published) Mar 2001
It is very depressing to enter the loft and find Squeakers chilled to death
by the side of one of the conventional types of nest bowl. At the age of
12-16 days Squeakers get out of these nest bowls but cannot climb back
inside to be incubated by the Hen at night. I discarded these bowls and
bought some 7" diameter plastic trays, which are 2" deep. I then cut a
circular piece of carpet to act as a liner for the internal bases and used a
little sand to act as ballast. I then purchased a sack of clean wood
Chipping's (NOT sawdust) and used these to build up the nest box floor
levels to the height of the plastic trays. A 2" depth of wood Chipping's
surrounding each nest. This not only provides insulation, but makes it easy
for Squeakers to crawl back into the nest, if they happen to get out.
Another hazard is when Squeakers get out of the nest boxes and onto the loft
floor. If they do, they may be savaged by non-parent Cocks, so a shelter
must be made. This is just a 2-foot square of plywood fixed upon four 3"
legs, rather like a low table. The Squeakers can take cover under this
shelter and be safe from harm until the owner arrives to place them back in
their nest boxes.