Harpreet Bal / 08 Apr 2012 00:48

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Tippler Subject Category: 

Great question, I do my best to guide you in right direction. It is an open
ended question however if you follow/control/observe the following pints
your much closer to the Flying tipper.

1) Obtain birds from a reputable fancier, who can provide you with
history/background of his birds.
2) Obtain birds from fancier who have consistent & repetitive & desirable
flying hours.
3) Flying tippler DOES NOT have Yellow Eye colour
4) Flying tippler does not have groused legs/feat (feathers in leg/feat)
5) Flying tipper does not roll, tumble or break it back and drop in
flight.10 .
. - Flying tippler have 12 tail feathers & 10 Primaries.

These are some points but not limited to entire description of Flying
tippler. I hope this helps.

Harpreet Bal

From: Ibrahim Ali Khan
To: "FlyingTipplers@yahoogroups.com"
Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2012 11:46:48 PM
Subject: [FT] Re: CNTU competition

Hello guys ,
I need your help. I have tippler but not fly tippler , how can I identify
those? Could you please tell me about the eyes and wings of flying tippler.

Submitted by Harpreet Bal on 4/8/2012 12:21:48 AM