(Internet Published) Oct 2000
All high flying pigeons originated in Asia and in countries where the
temperature soared to such an extent that pigeons had to fly high, or not at
all. The thermal up draughts in these areas are terrific. I have always
given my absolute respects to the ancient peoples of these areas where such
pigeons were cultivated. They did this for their own pleasure or the status
afforded by an exhibition to their guests. For men are born exhibitionists
who love to show off their coops, their etchings, their catches, their
tattoos or even their ridiculous moustaches and hair cuts.
In old England, man poor men had nothing to brag about apart from their
dogs, vegetables, fowls and pigeons or ability to catch rabbits and kill
rats or to catch fish in our rivers. The English were remarkable men who
knew poverty. That is why they were great. They are no longer great because
they don't know poverty now.
It is remarkable that these ancient breeds from Asia have still retained the
high flying habit in Britain where the temperature is less than 60 degrees
in Summer and where we have very few days where is gets to 80 degrees.
Tipplers therefore have to roam to find a bit of up draught and this they
will do if and only if they are supported by conditioning and training.
Many contests with Tipplers have been won by birds, which seldom exceed 500
feet altitude and very often just clearing the high trees. On the other
hand, for some of the time they may fly to appear like the smallest of
specks if only for an hour or so. Their success, I think, is in their
versatility and adaptation to all kinds of reasonable flying weather. Yet, I
have known them to continue through a rainstorm or even a snow shower. They
are indeed remarkable little birds but I think only a remarkable man could
love them.
It has been said that Tipplers make men out of fools or fools out of men.