Frank Otta / 02 Nov 2011 04:37

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Hi guys,
please check this link to EE
Hi Robert,
if the breed's missing on the list, it does not mean it does not exist.

The procedure for listing is such:
1) the breed must be developed (by an individual or by a club)
2) the breed must be approved by the home country's breeding authority (I do
not know if they have to be in EE or not)
3) the home country authority puts forward a proposal to list the breed with
4) once listed, the home country authority (the proposer) is responsible for
maintaining the breed within standard. And/or propose modifications in the
breed's standard, if necessary.

This is what I learned so far and how I interpret the second-hand info I
got. I should know more details when I get the chance to speak to the people
involved. I have a lot of questions to ask and I hope Mr. Kratochvil, the
vice-president of EE and Czech, will answer my initial mail. From what I
heard he is a pleasant and reasonable man to talk to, but he is a busy man
as well - member of the CZ authority commitee too ...

Right now the Slovaks are in process to get approval for the Bratislava HF.
They've managed so far steps one and two, a big success for them ... So I
can check with them too and try to get some interesting info from them for
us here. This all will of course take time because all the people who make
things happen for us ordinary pigeon fanciers are very busy men ...

Is the Australian Saddle Back Tumbler listed with the Aussies authority? Are
there any written standards for the breed? That's where I would start

I hope this helped a bit, Robert.


Submitted by Frank Otta on 11/2/2011 4:36:37 AM