
Jack Prescott's picture
Tippler Subject Category: 

(Internet Published) Oct 2000

It is written that a good and thrifty wife can make a meal fit for a king
from what a stupid and less thrifty wife would throw to the pigs, dogs and
fowls. By the same token, the best ingredients in the hands of a stupid cook
will be unfit for anything but the pigs, dogs and the fowls. Well! - It is
all about "know how" and the need to avoid the squander of valuable time and
hard earned "dinero" (money)

It is also written "Don't waste time, it is the stuff that life is made of",
"But Jack"... I hear you cry!! What has all of this bunkum got to do with
Tipplers? I'd reckon, a hell of a lot!! Sometimes the rejects and failures
in the hands of one man will succeed in the hands of another. Likewise, the
very best from one man will fail miserably in the hands of another. It seems
to me that the ultimate joy of men is to prove another man to be wrong.

A change of environment and incentive will alter the performance of all
domestic livestock including MAN. The best specimens will respond to the
required discipline, if such discipline is reasonable and based upon logic.
Pigeons should be adapted to suit the owners and what the owner has time
for. In vice verse the project becomes too ridiculous for words.