(Internet Published) Jul 2001
I submit that there is a common link or relationship between Tipplers,
Rollers and several issues of flying Tumblers. I have said with monotonous
regularity that photographs of the several couspecifics do indicate an
overlapping of type. Many a Tippler looks like a Tumbler or Roller and vice
versa. The truth of the matter is that any kit of pigeons banded with the
NTU rings and there after referred to as British NTU standard would be
allowed to take part in British Tippler contest.
The conjecture is, how high or low the standards are, regarding referring.
After all Tipplers are cultivated Tumblers. The tumble factor has been bred
out of them but the actual highflying syndrome in several breeds has
certainly a common factor.
Nevertheless, in my own strain of Tumblers kept pure for many years and
rather closely inbred, I find some diversity on type in character and in
metabolism. Some of my kit pigeons have greater appetites than others. This
make it difficult to give a collective kit feed. Likewise, in my time I have
known men who would eat great amounts of food and showing perpetual hunger.
Other men could not take a half of that amount and yet there were workers
and shirkers in both types of men.
With Tipplers intended for time I would select in favour of a type that
could go 24hrs between meals with no signs of desperate hunger.