(Internet Published) Oct 2001
Given one ounce (28 grams) of any kind of grain at 5pm plus water and
abrasive material - such as sand and grit, at 8am on the next day there
should be no feed left in the crop. During the 15 hour period everything
should have gone through otherwise there is a malfunction.
Indigestion with humans is nothing more than a nuisance cured by an
indigestion tablet. With pigeons indigestion can be fatal. It is essential
to supply abrasive material and clean water along with the feed. Salt is
essential - A natural disinfectant and pigeons love it!
If I find retained feed in the crop at 8am this isn't right so quickly I go
along to the drug store or chemist and buy some indigestion tablets. I shove
a broken tablet down the gullets of affected pigeons. This often solves the
problem but left untreated the condition can be fatal.