Dave B / 24 Feb 2011 15:11

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Tippler Subject Category: 


We have read a couple of posts making reference to some pics put up on FT
that tippler colours are resembling roller colours? and its mainly from NA.
It does seem to me that we do have some birds over in NA that indeed i have
never seen the likes of in the UK colour wise that is.

Not for one minute suggesting fanciers are first crossing rollers with
tipplers, i think we know about that by now so that is not the issue. But
Luka put some pics of Oskars birds up the other day, and the first bird was
a nice cobby looking redish white face hen i think it was, i have seen
rollers in colours identical to that. Just wondering if these colours are
unique to NA?

Would be interesting to find out how these colours are being achieved as we
have seen them in a few lofts over the pond now.

Dave B

Submitted by Dave B on 2/24/2011 3:41:11 PM