Danny McCarthy / 13 Mar 2012 01:12

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Hi Guys,
I lost a young Shannon silver Badge yesterday. I had one of its wings pinned
and one free, that is how I settle my birds when they are young. She was on
the loft roof with all the others when she was startled by a Magpie and took
to the air. She landed in my neighbours tree and settled there for the
night. Next morning she was in the air circling the loft , but would not
land. I went to work after leaving some of my droppers out to attract her
down. On my return she was not back. Today I had to go to a funeral, so I
let my droppers out again hoping the silver badge would come home. Well it
did, but I was not there. When I came home I saw a Gosh Hawk eating it in
front of the loft. Man it is heart breaking. When will this slaughter stop.

Cheers, Danny.

Submitted by Danny McCarthy on 3/13/2012 1:27:12 AM