Cross breeds for pleasure flying

Jack Prescott's picture
Tippler Subject Category: 

(Internet Published) Oct 2001

World-wide, the vast majority of man fly pigeons for their own pleasure and
with no ambitions about trying to win anything or to be anybody. I refer to
all men who keep and fly "non-racing" pigeons. I declare that the racing
pigeons men are in a class of their own - basically gamblers.

Friends - I am not a gambler and I fly pigeons for the sheer joy of seeing
them fly, sometimes at pin head size overhead - Other times most reluctant
to fly.

So-called high flying pigeons are ruled by the weather. High flying pigeons
do best on a regular routine of daily flying. I am not taking about marathon
times. Frankly, I have not the time to hang about all day trying to keep a
kit of pigeons under observation. Some excellent high flyers and acrobatic
pigeons will fly no more than one hour.

Modern man is lucky to have one hour of his very own. In the 1920's men had
little else but spare time after a hard days work.